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Recent Events - 2024

Events - 2023

March 17, 2023 - ALL DAY

Objective - Creating mental health awareness among teachers.
Outcome - Teachers responded well and said these kinds of sessions are required.

February 25, 2023 - ALL DAY

Objective - To create awareness among senior citizens related to mental health challenges.
Outcome - The awareness program went well, and Participants felt connected.

February 11, 2023

Objective - To Conduct mental health training workshop on Emotional Management with tribal adolescents.
Outcome - The students were very receptive to acquiring the knowledge and utilizing it in their life.

Events - 2022

May 31, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - To raise awareness and telephonic Q&A session among the public about the negative environmental impact of tobacco.
Outcome - The telephonic Q & A Session went well

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May 8, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Workshop on Mental Health
Outcome - They got demystified about their emotions

May 2, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Counselling session with inmates
Outcome - Patiently listening is important to form a support group

April 24, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Awareness session on Mental Health
Outcome - Smoothly conducted

April 21, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Role play to reduce recidivism among youth inmates
Outcome - Insightful and free-flowing expression

April 13, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective -Mental Hygiene Awareness among 10th-class girls
Outcome - Had a very responsive student to understanding mental health concerns

April 12, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Mental Hygiene Awareness among 10th-class girls
Outcome - Had a very responsive student to understanding mental health concerns

April 9, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Mental Health awareness of teachers for adolescents
Outcome - Receptive and cooperative teachers

March 27, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Mental Hygiene among Transgender
Outcome - Strong Response from the audience

March 9, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective- Palm Printing to know about hopes and life lessons with inmates
Outcome- Uniqueness among Individuals

March 8, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Palm Printing to know about hopes and life lessons with inmatesnOutcome - Uniqueness among Individuals

February 18, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Basal emotion GREED with inmates
Outcome - Learned about the stems of the emotion

February 10, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective- Passing the parcel to unravel the emotions with inmatesnOutcome- They felt that they are not alonen

January 24, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Emotional Awareness and Potential Identification among Youth in Rayagadan
Outcome - Most engaging and expressive audiencenn

January 19, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Awareness of POCSO in Apeejay School
Outcome - Attentive Students

January 5, 2022 - ALL DAY

Objective - Coping Mechanisms of fear with ladies inmatesn
Outcome - Learned about healthy ways and asked pertinent questions

Events - 2021

December 24, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective- Secret Santa came up with abstract gifts that are held within inmates
Outcome- They have learned about Patience, Well-being, Peace of mind, Clarity, Resilience

December 18, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective - Peer Counselling with inmatesn
Outcome - Learned how to make a support group

December 3, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective - Seminar with inmates
Outcome - Took time to open up, but many did eventually

November 24, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective- Session for identifying, labeling, and handling GREED with inmates
Outcome- Most appreciated session by inmates

November 19, 2021 - ALL DAY
Objective- Workshop with diligent Conscience keepers of MG AcademynOutcome- The audience related to the contentsn
November 18, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective- Book distribution between inmates to narrate their own stories.
Outcome- Diversified Response

November 16, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective- Recognizing and Replacing Fears
Outcome- Learned about themselves a little better.

November 10, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective- Seminar with male inmates.
Outcome- Had a Questions/ Answers session.

November 5, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective - Book distribution between inmates to narrate their own story
Outcome - Diversified emotional thoughts

October 30, 2021 - ALL DAY
Objective- Mo Mana ProgrammenOutcome- Engaging audience
October 7, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective- Art therapy with inmates
Outcome- Colourful and interesting form of emotions

September 30, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective - Seminar with inmates.
Outcome - Felt hopeful after the session.

September 25, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective: Mental health Awareness among inmates at Choudwar Jail
Outcome: Interactive session

September 24, 2021 - ALL DAY

The flow of the Session: -

  • General Introduction through basic interaction
  • Giving emphasis on the causes of activities.
  • How do we get triggered?
  • Awareness about the emotions associated with the reaction.
  • Emphasis on self-control and behavior.
  • Remedies/ Tasks / Activities for initiating self-control.
  • The Session was winded up by 3 inmates performing songs.

Brief Contents Covered:-

Triggers/ Reasons (Why do we do the crime?).

Basically why we are here in Jail-

  1. Under the circumstances of the situation/ environment.
  2. For own Mistake/ Fault.
  3. For Mistake of others.

    Key finding based on responses: Major reason is self and situation/ Environment. Like, Family pressure, Hunger, Frustration, Need for Money, Humiliation, Jealousy, etc.

  • The awareness regarding the reflection of the fault is of the situation, what provoked the person to do wrong/ Crime.

What are the emotions that lead to the inability of Self-control?

  • There will be environmental factors but controlling self not to do negative reactions is also important.
  • How a person can use physical and mental strength positively?

Response of Inmates: They have used their physical strength negatively.

  • Addressing the level of motivation can help to live life peacefully.
  1. Controlling Self.
  2. Reducing Negative Reaction.
  • Steps, How we can initiate the process of growth.
  • Physical Exercises. (Focusing on doing yoga, exercise, and push-ups regularly).
  • Try to see everything in a positive way. (It food is not good, what can we see good in this)
  • Turn one bad habit into one Good habit.
September 18, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective: Mental health awareness among women prisoners of Jharpada Jail
Outcome: The participants connected well and there were Q/A sessions.

September 15, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective: Mental Health Awareness for inmates of Choudwar Jail
Outcome: Smooth conduction, engaging audience

August 21, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective: Focusing on the mental health of female prisoners.
Outcome: Engaging session with a lot of emotional disclosure.

August 14, 2021 - ALL DAY

Objective: Focusing on the mental health of the male prisoners
Outcome: Fruitful session

February 7, 2020 - ALL DAY

Objective: Training on Advance Psychological Counseling
Outcome: Informative session, engaging participants.

October 17, 2019 - ALL DAY

Objective: Educating the geriatric on mental health
Outcome: Fruitful session smoothly conducted

Events - 2019

August 19, 2019 - ALL DAY

Objective: Awareness of Mental, Emotional, and Psychological hygiene

Outcome: Informative and Engaging session.

August 12, 2019 - ALL DAY

For parents with children between ages group 3 - 6 years old. There was a clinical and a psycho-social perspective for symptoms to look out for in children and make parenting beautiful and easy.

Objective: The session was aimed at parents having children aged between 3-6 years for creating a knowledge base about the clinical and psycho-social perspective for symptoms to look out for in children.
Outcome: It was a very meaningful and enlightening session for the parents.

June 27, 2019 - ALL DAY

Creative Competitions were held to Foster team spirit. Self-awareness and innovativeness in expressing themselves among the addict patients from De-addiction centers of Cuttack & BBSR.

Objective: To foster team spirit, self-awareness, and innovations for self-expression among the addict patients from De-addiction centers at Cuttack and Bhubaneswar

Outcome: It was a meaningful and interactive session.

April 27, 2019 - ALL DAY

In collaboration with Radio Partner RED FM MANAM conducted a stress awareness workshop for the employees at ESPLANADE. The workshop dwelled on work-life balance and awareness about signs of being highly stressed. The feedback-based activity-oriented workshop had meaningful participation from the employees that brought about group therapy sessions by the therapeutic counselors of MANAM.

Objective: Awareness for the employees about stress & maintaining work-life balance.

Outcome: It was a meaningful session that led to good participation from the employees.

April 26, 2019 - ALL DAY

MANAM in accordance with the needs of the women for stress relief conducted an activity cum awareness session for women at MANAM. The session was attended by versatile women groups from students, working women, homemakers, and members of the LGBTQ community as well. The session was an open forum and interaction-based meeting where women discussed their respective stressors. The session turned into a Talking Therapy with activities based on de-stressing through sharing, counseling, and meaningful engagement by knowing oneself.

Objective: Awareness among women of stress

Outcome: The session was an open forum and interaction based.

April 18, 2019 - ALL DAY

In collaboration with the organizations working for the Elderly known as SILVER AGE Foundation and CHINMAYA Mission, Bhubaneswar the seminar for stress awareness was conducted at MANAM. The triggers of stress for the elderly and the coping mechanisms were discussed in a panel comprising a Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist, and psycho-social counselor. The seminar ended with activities for the elderly that could explain to them coping mechanisms for stress relief.

Objective: Seminar on stress awareness for senior citizens.

Outcome: It was an interactive and fruitful session.

February 28, 2019 - ALL DAY

Observation of the “Self-injury Avoidance Day” was marked by an open seminar on the issue of self-harm. The discussion panel consisted of DCP Bhubaneswar Mr. Anup Sahu, Psychiatrist Dr. Amrit Patto Joshi, Senior Psychiatrist Dr. T.P Ray and MANAM In-house Clinical Psychologist and Psychological Counselor. This miner was attended by students of Psychology, Patients from

De-addiction centers in Bhubaneswar, counsel clients, parents, teachers, and practicing counselors. Many other participants from versatile groups and occupations were also present. The seminar covered important topics of reasons, signs, and prevention of self-harm/self-injury. The fruitful part of the seminar was the question-answer and discussion platform that ended with sharing symbolic bands to prevent self-injury.

Objective: Awareness of self-injury and its prevention

Outcome: It was a fruitful seminar, there were Q/A and discussions that ended with sharing symbolic bands to prevent self-injury.

February 27, 2019 - ALL DAY

The workshop on self-help therapies was conducted by Dr. Sayali Mishra [Clinical Psychologist, MANAM]withtheobjectivetoempowerpeoplewithOCDtodeveloptheircopingmechanisms. The workshop had a mixed participation of people with OCD, Caregivers, and student-interns to have a holistic approach towards self-help techniques. The workshop concluded with an impactful experience-sharing session.

Objective: To empower people with OCD, caregivers, and student interns to develop self-help -coping mechanisms

Outcome: The session was very informative, and it concluded with an impactful experience-sharing session.

Events - 2018

December 22, 2018 - ALL DAY

ADHD is a rampantly growing problem because of the increasing use of gadgets and electronic devices. There is a lack of awareness among most parents on how to distinguish between a naught in attentive child and a child with ADHD. Because of this the child is unable to focus on anything and has problems with studies as well as interpersonal relationships. This workshop addressed the parents of ADHD children on how to effectively deal with them and slowly bring them to track.  There were 36 parents.

Objective: Awareness of parents of ADHD

Outcome: 36 parents were a part of the awareness session, it was an informative session.

November 28, 2018 - ALL DAY

This session was directed at the corporate gathering at NALCO who are under huge stress in their work area and these sessions are devised at again coping at emotional and mental levels to create the perfect work-life balance. It was attended by employees.

Objective: Equip the employees at NALCO for stress management, emotional regulation and work-life balance

Outcome: 29 employees were enlightened through the session.


November 27, 2018 - ALL DAY

Addressing 65 senior citizens about what is loneliness and how to cope with it without interfering in the lives of the children or loved ones was a very successful session . The seniormembersunderstoodcertainskillswhichwouldhelpthemtodispelwiththenotionofloneliness.This is a necessity for our senior citizens nation wide.

Objective: To address senior citizens on loneliness, and its coping mechanisms.

Outcome: 65  seniors were equipped with skills in order to dispel with the notion of loneliness.

August 21, 2018 - ALL DAY

A session again for freshers for all the coping skills and techniques to maintain the best mental hygiene for maximizing potential development and helping them to understand their own emotions and understand the difference between depression, anxiety, and stress, and to know when to ask for help . Suicides in engineering colleges are rising and it's important to address this issue instead of brushing it under the carpet. Attended by 150 students.

Objective: To educate the fresher students at NIST about the various coping skills and techniques to attain the best mental health, achieve the maximum potential oneself, understand emotions and various issues like depression, anxiety, stress, and when to seek help

Outcome: The session was attended by 150 students. It was an informative session for the students.

August 8, 2018 - ALL DAY

A session for the fresher batch of Gita college who were initiated by Manam and empowered With Adaptability skills, Time Management, Developing Potential, Goal setting for themselves, and identification of their emotions for balanced handling in a new situation. Dealing with addiction and peer pressure was a prime focal point including extreme competition and parental expectations. The talk wound up with the benefits of diet, exercise, and spiritual tasks for mental health. It was attended by 250 freshers of both genders and was an interactive session.

Objective: To empower the fresher students of Gita College on various topics such as Adaptability skills, time management, developing potential, goal setting, identifying emotions, dealing with addiction, peer pressure, competition, and parental expectations.

Outcome: The session enlightened 250 students of both genders. It was an interactive and fruitful session.

July 30, 2018 - ALL DAY

An occupational therapist was invited to address the different kinds of day care clientele and their caregivers on how mental health illnesses from severe to moderate to mild can be dealt with by making different programs and planning forth clients to increase their daily functionality. This was a big eye-opener for the caregivers who generally have no idea about how to motivate their wards to be more functional. It was attended by 7 daycare clients and their parents/guardians/caregivers.

Objective: To provide insights to the daycare clientele and caregivers about how mild to severe mental health illnesses

Outcome: It was a big eye-opener for caregivers who had no prior idea about the ways to motivate their wards in order to be more functional.

June 26, 2018 - ALL DAY

Addiction is a rapidly growing menace in our society today. It has a huge impact on the economic burden of our country. The objective of this workshop was to spread awareness among the users through the expression of their emotions through art and painting. Some of their art was heartwrenching and also an insight into their dark world.    Sessions like these help in the healing of the inner world of the addicts. There were 60 addicts. They also shared their experiences and recited slam poetry.

Objective: To spread awareness among substance-addicted people by expressing of their emotions with art and painting.

Outcome: The session gave us insight into their dark world and helped them in the process of getting their inner worlds healed.

July 19, 2018 - ALL DAY

This workshop was directed at the teaching faculty at HAPPY HOURS ., a large junior-level school and so the teachers have to have a certain different kind of sensibility. They were severely stressed by the nature of work and the constant balancing act between their work and home life. This workshop was to teach them techniques to cope and balance their work-home space and keep their emotional and mental hygiene healthy. It was attended by teachers.

Objective: To teach the faculty at Happy Hours, how to maintain a certain different kind of sensibility, techniques to cope and balance their work-home space and keep emotional and mental hygiene.

Outcome: Total of 70 teachers attended the session. It was an informative and interactive session.