
7 Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore to Prevent Suicidal Thoughts


In today’s fast-paced world, mental health issues are on the rise, with suicidal thoughts becoming increasingly common.

According to recent data, the global suicide rate has increased by 60% over the past 45 years, with approximately 800,000 people taking their own lives annually.  This shocking statistic highlights the urgent need to address mental health concerns and prevent suicide.

Suicide is a complex issue influenced by various factors. Sometimes, the indicators of someone considering suicide aren’t obvious, but it’s crucial not to ignore them. By recognizing these signs and taking action early, we can save lives.

 In this blog, we’ll discuss seven warning signs you shouldn’t ignore to prevent suicidal thoughts, and how NGOs like the Manam Foundation in Bhubaneswar, Odisha play a crucial role in providing support to people in need.

1. Persistent feelings of hopelessness

One of the most common warning signs of suicidal thoughts is a persistent feeling of hopelessness or despair. Individuals may feel like there’s no way out of their current situation and that things will never get better. If someone you know consistently expresses hopelessness or talks about feeling trapped, it’s essential to take their feelings seriously, offer support, and seek professional help immediately.

2. Withdrawal from Social Activities

Another warning sign is withdrawing from social activities they once enjoyed or isolating themselves from friends and family, it could be a red flag. They may feel disconnected from others and prefer to be alone. This behavior change can indicate underlying mental health issues that require attention. If you notice a loved one withdrawing from their usual social circles or exhibiting reclusive behavior, reach out to them and offer your support.

3. Increased Substance Abuse

Substance abuse can often co-occur with mental health disorders and suicidal thoughts. Individuals may turn to alcohol or drugs as a means of coping with their emotional pain or numbing their thoughts. If you observe a loved one turning to increased substance abuse as a coping mechanism or to numb their pain, it’s essential to intervene and encourage them to seek professional help.

4. Talking About Death or Suicide

Individuals having suicidal thoughts may often talk about death or express a desire to end their life. Expressions like “I wish I were dead” or “Life is not worth living” could be indicative of suicidal ideation. Although these statements may sometimes be dismissed as a joke or attention-seeking behavior, they should always be taken seriously. It is important to listen without judgment and encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional to prevent potential harm.

5. Changes in Mood and Behavior

Sudden and drastic changes in mood and behavior can be indicative of underlying mental health issues, including thoughts of suicide. Watch out for signs such as increased irritability, agitation, or expressions of feeling worthless. These changes may indicate that an individual is grappling with overwhelming emotional distress. It’s essential to remain vigilant and offer continuous support.

6. Changes in sleep patterns

Disrupted sleep patterns, like insomnia or oversleeping, can indicate suicidal thoughts. Sleep problems often worsen feelings of depression and anxiety, creating a cycle of negative thoughts. Keeping track of changes in sleep habits and getting professional help can help address these issues and improve overall well-being.

7. Giving away possessions

Individuals considering suicide may show behaviors like giving away prized possessions or disposing of their belongings. This may indicate that they have decided to end their life and are preparing to do so. If you notice such actions, take them seriously and initiate a conversation with the person about their well-being.

In the fight against suicide, NGOs like Manam Foundation in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, play a crucial role in promoting mental wellness and providing support to those in need. Through various initiatives, including counseling services, support groups, and community outreach programs, we offer a lifeline to individuals struggling with mental health issues. Our trained professionals work tirelessly to provide a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to seek help and receive the support they need.

In addition, we focus on community education and advocacy efforts to raise awareness about suicide prevention and mental wellness. By partnering with schools, workplaces, and other organizations, the Manam Foundation reaches a broader audience and equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to recognize warning signs and intervene effectively.

If you or someone you know is grappling with suicidal thoughts or displaying warning signs, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Remember, suicide is preventable, and by recognizing the warning signs and taking proactive steps to intervene, we can save lives and create a brighter tomorrow for everyone. Let’s work together to break the silence surrounding mental health and ensure that no one suffers in silence.

Reach out, seek support, and remember that you are never alone

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