Manam Counselling Workshop On ‘Loneliness’ With the Elderly At Silver Age Foundation On 27th november 2018

27 Nov
All Day

Manam Counselling Workshop On 'Loneliness’ With the Elderly At Silver Age Foundation On 27th november 2018

Addressing 65 senior citizens about what is loneliness and how to cope with it without interfering in the lives of the children or loved ones was a very successful session . The seniormembersunderstoodcertainskillswhichwouldhelpthemtodispelwiththenotionofloneliness.This is a necessity for our senior citizens nation wide.

Objective: To address senior citizens on loneliness, and its coping mechanisms.

Outcome: 65  seniors were equipped with skills in order to dispel with the notion of loneliness.

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